Getting Licensed

Quite frequently I get asked by non-hams about getting licensed. The short answer is; pass a license exam and get a callsign. That’s a bit too simple but it’s the truth. This leads to a much more in depth answer.

There are numerous study guides and websites that can help get you ready for the exam. The ARRL study guide is a good place to begin. Gordon West also has a great study guide and he produces an audio version that’s perfect for the long commute.

A simple check of Google or any other search engine will produce a wealth of sites dedicated to helping you get ready for the big day. Take a look at or are all good places to get help. Start taking practice exams until you feel confident with your knowledge.

The final step is to find an exam session. Our club is offilliated with Laurel VEC. Their exams are always free and they get fast results. If you check their website you can find a schedule of upcoming exams. Best of luck.


Brian AB3RW

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