The Bellringer 2023 ride is coming up on Saturday October 21st and we’re looking for volunteers to work rest stops and Support and Gear (SAG) vehicles. This ride starts at Georgetown University and runs NW through Montgomery and Frederick Counties, circles through Middletown, then ends in Urbana. We’re working in conjunction with the Montgomery ( and the HacDC clubs (
It looks like the Frederick County locations include a rest stop and finish line at different locations in Urbana, plus rest stops at Valley Elementary School near Jefferson, and one in the heart of Middletown. We’re still working out the logistics and would be happy to have additional folks involved in the planning as well.
So, if you can volunteer in any capacity, we’d sure appreciate it. The sign-up form is here:
As always, let me know if there are questions.
Mike Forrence K3MMM
Mike Forrence K3MMM
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