Club meeting Monday July 15th at 7pm

Hello Everyone!  Please join us for the July edition of Frederick Amateur Radio Club meeting, coming this Monday July 15th at 7pm.  We meet in the social hall of the Independent Hose Company, located at 310 Baughmans Lane in Frederick.  Parking and entrance to the social hall is in the rear.  Our presentation this month is from Mike K3MMM: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) basics.  Feel free to bring your APRS radio along.  If you need assistance getting APRS set up, come early and we’ll see if we can get it configured (assuming it can be configured from front panel).  If you’re good at configuring APRS, come early to help others.

We invite all members of the greater community to join us – no need to be a member or a licensed amateur; a vague interest in radio communications is good enough!

While it’s best to join in person, sometime that’s not possible.  Next best is to join via Zoom using this link:

If you join via Zoom, PLEASE either include your call sign or your name.  We’ve had a many access requests from what appear to be bots.  Thanks!


We hope to see you there!

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