Frederick Amateur Radio Club Elmer Night

Hello everyone,

At any given Frederick Amateur Radio Club (FARC) meeting, we have centuries of combined radio experience in the room. For the February FARC meeting, our goal is to put that experience into action. We invite both club and greater community members to bring their questions or struggles, and we’ll try our best to help. It can be anything from understanding the various available radio services (Amateur, CB, MURS, FRS, GMRS) or programming a repeater to APRS to making digital data work with your computer, or choosing an antenna. Feel free to bring your radio for help. In order to make this easier, I’ll bring a couple of power supplies and antennas, minimizing what you may need to bring. If possible, bring along your radio manual.

We’ll meet at 7pm on Monday February 17th in the Social Hall of the Independent Hose Company, located at 310 Baughmans Lane in Frederick. Parking and entrance in rear of the building. Many of us arrive around 6pm to chat as we set up – feel free to join early. As always, joining in person is best, but not always possible. Second best is to join via Zoom using this link: FARC Zoom 2025 Please put your name or call sign into your Zoom profile, so we know that you’re not a bot.

Upcoming Events:

March 22: FredFest 2025! All of the details are here: FredFest 2025

April 27: Pedal for Lymphoma. This is a new cycling event that we’re supporting, but smaller in scale as compared to others that we’ve done. This event begins and ends at the Comus Inn, and the 50, 25 & 15 mile courses route through western Montgomery and southeastern Frederick Counties. We’ll need to staff three rest stops, three SAG vehicles and Net Control.

May: Combo Portable Two Meter Challenge + ARES drill.

June 7: Tour de Frederick. We’ll need to staff ~10 rest stops and 12 SAG vehicles, plus net control. This is a great event that benefits kids in Frederick County.

June 28 & 29: Field Day.

July: POTA Activation

August: Foxhunt

September 27 or October 4: Half HAM (half Hike Across Maryland). We support the Mountain Club of Maryland as folks hike the Appalachian Trail from PenMar Park in Cascade to Washington Monument near Boonsboro.

December 15: Club holiday party

Let me know if there are questions – my email is my call sign

Mike K3MMM

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