Holiday Party 2024

The Frederick Amateur Radio Club holiday party will be held on Monday December 16th at 6pm at the Independent Hose Company social hall (where club meetings are held – 310 Baughmans Lane Frederick – parking and entrance in rear of building).  PLEASE plan to join us for the festivities, and bring your significant-other, friends and neighbors. This will be a pot-luck event, so please plan to bring something to share.

In order to minimize overlap, I’ve made two things:

  1. Sign up sheet, where you can let us know what you’ll be bringing.  The sign-up sheet is here:
  2. Sign up result sheet – so you can know what others have already signed up to bring. The result sheet is here: – you may need to refresh your browser to see the very latest entries.
If you’re not sure if you can join us, or forgot to sign up, just show up!  I’ve NEVER been to a pot-luck that ran out of food.  As always, let me know if there are questions.  If question might be good for all to read, please respond to this thread.  If it’s a one-off question, you can also send me a note at my callsign
Finally, if you’d like to participate in the back-end planning, please send me a note to my call sign  I’m trying to widen the talent pool for these types of things.

Cheers & 73!
Mike K3MMM

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