At the November club meeting, many members brought their Go Kits to share ideas. Here are some kit photos from the meeting, in no particular order – click on a photo for individual image, then click on the photo again for a much larger image:
At the November club meeting, many members brought their Go Kits to share ideas. Here are some kit photos from the meeting, in no particular order – click on a photo for individual image, then click on the photo again for a much larger image:
The November 2024 meeting of the Frederick Amateur Radio Club is coming this Monday November 18th at 7PM. We meet at the Independent Hose Company social hall, at 310 Baughmans Lane in Frederick. Parking and social hall entrance are in the rear of the building. After a short business meeting, Dave N3DRL will lead a discussion of portable “GO” kits. If you have a GO kit of any type, please bring it along for show and tell.
Meetings are always best in person, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Next best is to join via Zoom using this link:
If you join via Zoom, PLEASE either include your call sign or name in your Zoom profile. This will help identify you as a human and not a bot. Thanks!
Come one, come all to the October meeting of the Frederick Amateur Radio Club, to be held on Monday, October 21st at 7pm. We meet in the Social Hall of the Independent Hose Company, which is located at 310 Baughmans Lane in Frederick. Parking and entrance are in the rear of the building. This month, we’ll have an extended discussion regarding the 146.64 K3ERM repeater, which is currently experiencing difficulties. In addition, the floor will be open to discussion of any ham radio relevant topic. Bring your questions, your radios, or whatever you might need help with.
Club meetings are open to anyone from the greater community who has even the slightest interest in amateur radio.
While joining in person is always best, sometimes, that’s just not possible. If you can’t be there in person, join us via Zoom using this link:
If you join via Zoom, PLEASE either include your call sign or name in your Zoom profile. This will help identify you as a human and not a bot. Thanks!
Upcoming events:
Saturday October 26th: Club Simulated Emergency Test (aka SET).
2024 FARC SET Exercise
Version 1.0
When: 0900 – 1200L, 26 Oct 2024
Where: Frederick County MD
Why: A simulated ice storm has knocked out power to the county. Cell service is down. Temperatures are plummeting, warming shelters have been activated at local parks and public schools.
How: The Frederck County Health Department (FCHD) has tasked the FARC to deploy two communication pods (HAM1 and HAM2) to 2 separate county warming shelter stations located at public schools. These stations will:
1. Setup UHF/VHF/6m HF/GMRS ch15 communication channels and establish connectivity between HAM1 and HAM2 at 0900. Initial setup will be Channel 1 W3FDK on A and Channel 2 K3ERM on B using the FT-8900 radio.
2. Verify which of channels 1 – 10 connect HAM1 to HAM2. Establish whether HAM1 or HAM2 will initially record APRS while the other records voice traffic. These rolls will switch back and forth periodically to enable winlink message retrieval and APRS tracking/message retrieval.
3. Begin a roll-call for participants to check-in on channel 1 (W3FDK-R).
4. Participants are asked to report their current environment (home or shelter) temperature reading by either voice, APRS message, APRS position comment, Winlink, or use all modes. For those using Winlink please utilize RRI Quick Welfare Message txt and send it to KB3EOF with cc to K3MMM, and include a phone msg to me at 301-524-5823 (verizon) or a concerned spouse/relative (emphasize “exercise” in the message). Don’t forget to include your environmental temperature and GPS or What 3 Words location for your home or park or school parking lot (exercise shelter).
5. Exercise completed at 12 noon.
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Hello radio fans! This Friday October 11th, the Frederick County Division of Parks & Recreation is sponsoring the Frederick County HAM-VENTION at the Utica District Park. The park is located at 10200-B Old Frederick Road Frederick (north of Frederick and south of Lewistown), and the event begins at 6pm and will take place in the overflow parking near the north end of the park. Bear to the right as you enter the park and follow signs.
The event will have demonstrations of amateur radio equipment, along with hidden transmitter foxhunting (no animals involved), emergency messaging (hurricanes are still a thing) and long-distance communications. Of course, if you have questions, there will be folks who can provide answers.
As a part of the event, we will be participating in a Red Cross pop-up emergency communications exercise. If you’re an experienced radio operator, please participate by sending someone a Winlink Quick Welfare form, and CC: KC3WDO. We’ll also be monitoring the 146.73 W3FDK repeater.
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