Winter Field Day 2025 is in the books, and was well received. We had about thirty people stop by over the weekend, and just about everyone made a field day contact. While Mother Nature reminded us that it is winter, we remained warm enough to function. And, as always, there were some lessons learned, such as: the combination of LED lighting, switching power supplies, and solar chargers adds significantly to the noise floor on some frequencies – so much that a successful Winlink connection required that I had to go even more portable from our portable location – a couple hundred feet made a world of difference on 2 meters. We won’t have final score for a few days, but it really isn’t about the numbers, rather it’s about putting together a remote operation in adverse conditions. We don’t need a score to know that we had success.
Anyway, thanks to all of the folks who contributed to the effort, particularly to neighbor Dave who helped split wood, hang lights and tarps, as well as brand new ham Paul KD3AMT who had NO idea what he was getting himself into, and came over early and joined the preparations. And to the folks who brought their gear, food, snacks, drinks and great fellowship. It was a great weekend!
A few photos:
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