Twofer Saturday in October

Saturday October 7th was a big day for amateur radio in Frederick County.  We participated in both the Scouts BSA Seneca District Camporee and the ARRL Maryland DC section Simulated Emergency Test (SET), operating from the Frederick County Health Department, using their equipment.  While the morning was a tad wet, the afternoon was glorious and both events were a success. 

At the camporee, dozens of scouts learned the fundamentals of radio communication, things like keying and releasing PTT on mic, speaking clearly, etc.  We also reviewed the basics of finding a hidden transmitter using a receiver and Yagi directional antenna.  All of the scout troops that came through were successful in both aspects.

At the SET, several operators went out to find US Geological Survey markers and reported located markers to Net Control, which was operating from the Frederick County Health Department.  We look forward to including the FCHD into a regular testing/exercise routine. 

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