Winter Field Day 2023

The Frederick Amateur Radio Club will host Winter Field Day 2023 at the K3MMM family farm, Winter Field Day runs from 2pm Saturday January 28th until 2pm Sunday January 29th

Because it’s winter, and the weather is not certain, we’ll either set up in the back field, which boasts tall trees and wide open spaces, warmed by a large camp fire, or in the top of the barn, which while unheated, features a roof and walls.  If weather is really uncooperative, we can always end up in the living room.  We’ll be on site from mid-morning Saturday until Sunday afternoon – please stop by to operate for a while, hang out with the cool kids.  I’ll put the FARC banner at the end of the driveway – but your GPS will get you to the right spot.

See winter field day details here:

Update 1/18/23:  Leaning toward going QRP and battery/solar for power – we can have generator as backup plan.  Also leaning toward back field with a couple of pop-up tents surrounding the campfire.  We’ll monitor 146.58 (simplex) for talk-in – getting to the farm drive is easy, but navigating to the back field is not “intuitive”.  We’ll have directional signage.

Update 1/22/23:  Long range weather forecast is looking promising for Winter Field Day.  I’ve decided to evict the tractor implements and commandeer their back field shed for our operations, giving a roof, three solid walls and one tarp wall.  Have also moved an old wood-burning stove out there to help cut the chill – winter field day doesn’t have to be cold!  I’ll have two HF radios + one VHF (unlike summer field day, rules don’t mention VHF as separate), along with a club wire antenna, and either an end-fed or off-center diople.  Feel free to bring along a radio or antenna to try, as well as a battery if you have it – I’m trying to avoid using the generator if possible.   Stay tuned and hope to see you next weekend.

Update 1/28/23:  The forecast shows light winds and a high of 50F, so with the exception of a small craft advisory (there may be whitecaps on the creek), we are: Game ON!  Be sure to check your Winlink mail today, and if we see you via APRS, we may send a message – our goal is to use a variety of communications methods.  And mostly remember this:  If you can’t join us, then please work us!  73!

Reminder:  talk-in on 146.58


Let me know if there are questions – my email address is current on

73! Mike K3MMM

4 thoughts on “Winter Field Day 2023

  1. Hello Mike,

    I’m fairly new to ham radio and interested in Winter field day. I’m thinking about coming out to your farm but I wasn’t sure if that was ok being I’m not a member of FARC and I don’t really know anyone. I’m just thinking I may meet some Elmer’s and hopefully learn a thing or two.

    Thank you
    Kyle Badstibner (KC3TKO)

    1. Hi Kyle
      You and others are TOTALLY welcome to visit. You can even give it a try on HF, with a licensed operator nearby, making sure you don’t accidentally trigger the launch codes or anything. Keep a watch on the club winter field day post as we get closer to Saturday.
      Mike K3MMM

  2. Mike

    I plan on coming over and joining you all Saturday. I would like to bring my HF mobile rig with a new antenna to try if that’s ok.

    Brad KC3VAF

    1. Hi Brad
      Sure thing. Everyone is encouraged to bring things to try. One of the best aspects of this club is that we’re not hugely points-driven, so testing and experimenting is welcome. Remember talk-in on 146.58 – it’s fairly wet in the field, so I’ll have folks park t the house and walk back if you can. If you can’t, we can arrange to drive back – just trying to keep it minimal. I’ll see you Saturday.

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